
Who I am, who I used to be

I guess I should post who I am, aside from an angry person. I'm not that angry, in truth. Just mildly so.

Alright, I'm a 30-something gamer, who once upon a time enjoyed a minor degree of fame in the Mac Gaming world under the name Mac_Jedi.

Yes, I was kind of a big deal. On the internet.

Back in '99 and the early 00's, I hung out on a website/in an IRC chat channel called osX. It was dedicated to Mac Unreal Tournament players, and making UT mods work on the Mac. It was run by a great guy who went by the handle EkoSonic. He was a musician, but the site was his side project and he fostered a great community.

A separate organization popped up a while later called Macologist, we had a lot of shared members as Macologist did what osX did, but for just about every game out there. You can read about what they did in that link there. I spent a lot of time in their IRC channel too. They launched a website to host their mods, and decided to expand into game reviews and features, which is where they picked me up. 

I just finished playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and they were looking for a review to post, so I wrote them one. About a week later my review was posted, a few days after that I was declared their Reviews Editor, and was helping to run the site. I have no idea what they were thinking, either.

From there I did a bunch of games for them, after a while we got kinda well known and I was getting free games to review! Seriously, companies like Feral Interactive and Aspyr actually gave me free games. I still don't get it. 

I made some great friends during all that, including but not limited to R0gue and Santaduck (whose real life names I'll withold) who made Macologist possible

Eventually, around 2005 a lovely woman by the name of Omaha Sternberg had an internet radio show called iGame Radio asked me and a few other Editors (you know from legit websites) to join her in a Christmas gift-giving episode, I don't remember all the details but Omaha eventually asked me to guest co-host, which became a regular thing for a while.

So for a short time, the name Mac_Jedi was known. 

Eventually Macologist folded (we had free server space that evaporated, and couldn't manage the costs of our bandwidth, which was massive for the time) and personal issues kept me off of iGame Radio for so long, I was ashamed to ever come back.

By this point I was a qualified adult, with a real job and everything and my gaming started to slow down a bit. I became a MMO Player, thanks to WoW, and used my Playstation (2 and 3) to feed my habit for other games (except First Person shooters, I have no idea how anyone plays those with a console controller). 

In WoW I would rise through the ranks, and eventually earn GM (more of a first-amongst-equals type of thing) which was awesome, as I presided over some great times. That too has faded recently, especially as most of my guild is playing SWTOR now, which has no Mac client. So I'm the GM of a declining WoW Guild, which means my members expectations are low, and I'm free to play other games again without feeling guilty. Until MoP comes out, I hope.

I'm also bored.

For the past 10 years or so, I've been doing things. Reviews Editor, Radio Co-Host, GM of a highly active WoW Guild... and now, despite my recent purchase of a house and all of the nonsense that goes with that, I'm bored.

So here it is, something to fill my time with, something to justify my gaming habit, even if it is more tame than it once was.

Currently Playing :
(in no particular order)

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